Sweet Honey In The Rock

Sweet Honey In The Rock® is an internationally renowned Grammy Award® nominated female a cappella vocal quartet with a history of 47 years of distinguished service as activists and artists. They remain among the most relevant musical collectives in music today; both as a performance ensemble and as an ambassadorial African American organization founded on the triumvirate missions of empowerment, education, and entertainment. By embracing the dynamic vehicles of a cappella singing and American Sign Language interpretation, the magnificence of their voices and inspired messages engage the ear, lift the soul, and stimulate the mind in a positive journey you will not soon forget.

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River Roads Festival is presented in partnership with the Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) who coordinate the annual Source to Sea Cleanup, one of the nation’s largest river cleanups. The proceeds from ticket sales will help CRC prevent pollution, engage communities in research and advocacy, and promote enjoyment of the river and its tributaries. There will be a cleanup event in Easthampton on Sunday, September 8th, the day after the festival. Artists from the Festival lineup will join the cleanup effort. Sign up to join the River Roads cleanup here!